Assessment & Potential Analysis

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Assessment & Potential Analysis

No measure without objective and analysis

Who should fill the key positions in your company? Who can be an internal and external multiplier for your company? A differentiated analysis and a pragmatic definition of objectives form the basis for this. That is why I already use measures in the assessments and potential analyses that enable a differentiated selection and promote self-reflection and personal development. In this way, I ensure the optimal filling of positions, which will also ensure the appropriate fit of people and function in your company in the future – which I carry out in both personal and virtual procedures. Only the comprehensible identification of top performers and talents enables demand-oriented investments in the right employees and managers. With these results you have a concrete basis for your personnel planning and succession scenarios. You thus invest in a targeted manner in personal development and thus in your company.

Assessment Center

An individual assessment provides a very accurate picture of how current managers and employees act in different roles and organizational units. I identify suitability and staffing risks as well as critical areas of development in order to create a future-oriented, optimal fit between people, function and business environment. Together with you, I examine junior and future managers and talents to determine whether they have the potential to take on management or key functions. Finally, together we define the optimal area of deployment and the necessary development measures. In this way, I ensure demand-oriented investments in the future of your company that pay off.

Development Center

From my decades of experience in professional sports and management I know that application, feedback, development and re-application are directly related to time and effect. Therefore, my application really does justice to the term “Development Center”: Your managers and employees already develop during the procedure. Within hierarchical levels or groups of specialists and managers I analyse the personalities of your top performers, talents and key people. I provide them with feedback on their values, motives, strengths and weaknesses. From this I derive the necessary development measures, taking into account the goals and orientation of your company.